Meat Stock vs Bone Broth, is There a Difference?




Tis the season for soup, it is getting colder (thank goodness); and where there is soup, there is broth.


After all, that is the base for any great soup, right?


Usually when I think about using broth I think about bone broth and I have been using it for years with the chickens we butchered right on the farm.


But did you know that there is another kind of broth called meat stock?


No, neither did I until recently.


Naturally, I wanted to know the difference.  I knew that bone broth was healing for the body, but I wanted to make sure that I was making the right choice for my kids and I.


I also, want to help you make the best choice for you and your family.


So here goes.


Both are similar.  Both are packed with protein and can be drank alone or used as a base in soups, and like I said prior, both have great healing properties.



Bone broth is typically made by simmering bones and other vegetables for 24-48 hours. This long period of cooking breaks down the minerals and nutrients from the bones and flavors the broth.  This creates higher amounts of amino acids (what makes up proteins) and minerals.


Good, right?


Not so fast, bone broth makes excessive amounts of an amino acid that body sees as MSG (monosodium glutamate) and this can be problematic for those that have gut issues.


Meat broth, on the other hand, is simmered with the meat and connective tissue on the bones for only 1 ½ -4 hours.  It contains more gelatin, you know, the stuff you make jello with.  Gelatin is basically the glue that seals up your intestinal lining.


So which one should you chose?


That depends.


Meat stock is best for those that have gut issues because it is much easier to digest.   If you do have gut issues, it is recommended that you use the meat stock to heal your gut.  It doesn’t mean you can’t ever have bone broth, just wait about a year before doing so, after your gut is healed.


No gut issues, no problem, go ahead and enjoy your bone broth!!


Have you tried meat stock?  Can you tell the difference between bone broth and meat stock?

Let’s discuss!

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