I Feel Like I Might Have Failed Ya All

Have I failed you?

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This week I have felt a bit like I have failed all of you that follow us.  You see, we had a goat get sick and on antibiotics which means we can’t use the milk.

We are battling internal parasites in mama goats (this is because of the hormone changes when they give birth.  We have no problems with bucks and castrated males) because of all the rain and humidity that is Southeast Texas.  To be fair, this is a struggle for most goat farmers around here.  We just don’t have the cold winters and dry summers to kill off parasites.

I had two chicks die that I sold a customer.

The veggies…..oh, the bugs and the heat.  And the rain, let’s not forget the rain; we just had 10 inches of rain in a day.  I can empathize with those farmers in the Midwest that have gotten so much more than us.

I feel like I have failed in my goals.

We pride ourselves on healthy animals and a healthy environment to raise them in.  We try to do things as naturally as possible.   We want healthy soil for healthy plants to avoid the use of chemicals (don’t worry; we use environmentally friendly alternatives to treat pests).

 We want healthy animals for superior goat milk and goat milk products.

We want healthy and vigorous chicks and ducklings to sell ya all so that you can start your own homestead on a good footing.

That means herbal remedies as much as possible and the best management practices for a clean environment.

We want to be open and honest with ya all.  That’s why we encourage you to come out and visit with us.  We want you to see how we raise the animals and grow our food.

But sometimes…..


Sometimes, I miss the mark and just want to quit.

Yup, there I said it.  Sometimes I want to quit.

After all, I don’t want to be a hypocrite.  I want to say what I mean and mean what I say.  I want my actions to reflect my words.

I don’t want you to lose faith in us.

But this week I cried.  I cried because I didn’t deliver on what I promised, and I am sorry.

Perhaps I run the risk of losing some of you as customers or followers.   I will learn to be OK with that; because at the end of the day, we still have the goal of honesty and transparency;  AND, sometimes, at the end of the day, no matter what we do, or how hard we try, we fall.

So…..I am picking myself back up.  Dusting myself off, and figuring out how to do better tomorrow.  Cause you know what?  In the end, it isn’t gonna kill me and I have much to learn from the times that I fall.   It is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time even better than before.

What do you do when you feel like you have failed at something or something doesn’t work out how you planned?

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  1. // Reply

    And like to bring my daughter and her girls out to see you. Is there a day or time when that would be possible?

  2. // Reply

    Hey Stephanie! Sarah your good friend here! I’m so sorry to hear about everything that has been going on. Don’t feel too bad. That’s life and sometimes things happen that are just beyond our control. At the end of the day, you can have a good conscience and certain peace about everything because you know that you are honest and have tried your best and that’s all that matters. I for one appreciate honesty in a farmer and in people in general. It is truly something rare these days! You just continue to hold your head up high and keep on moving forward. I will always be a customer of yours as long as you are still in business. Remember that there’s really no such thing as failure, but learning experiences. Each mishap creates an opportunity to learn, grow, and build character! Love ya always! ;D

  3. // Reply

    Aren’t we all just learning as we go? Farming is TOUGH. Hang in there and don’t be too hard on yourself. Should we claim failure if we haven’t stopped working? 😉 if you need some IRL encouragement stop by MY garden. Oy! My first attempt at growing tomatoes….nooooooot so successful.

    1. // Reply

      Lol….tomatoes have been hard for me for some reason. I had one good year. This year isn’t too bad. I just remember all the tomatoes we used to get as a kid. But Indiana as a way different climate. Next year, I am going to start the tomatoes earlier to help miss the stink bugs.

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