Not getting the results you want?
A coaching client of mine came the other day wanting to set a goal of getting doctor’s appointment scheduled.
This might seem like a simple thing, but for her she wasn’t getting it done because she was creating discouragement for herself.
Here’s what would happen.
She would call an office and would hit a road block with either they weren’t taking patients, she needed a referral from another doctor, appointment slots didn’t fit with her schedule….all kinds of things.
In her discouragement, she just stopped trying.
She was tired of making phone calls.
Now it had been over a year and she KNEW she really needed to get into the doctor to get some blood work done.
Let me show you how her thought created her result:
- With her thought, “I’m tired of making phone calls, I’m never going to find a doctor,” she created discouragement for herself.
- The action she took from discouragement was she just stopped making phone calls.
- The result that she created was she has never found a doctor.
Action and results don’t come from discouragement.
You might be saying to yourself, “Now that’s silly, just keep calling doctors.”
But stop and think, where have you done this in your own life?
- Did you try and start a business and not get the result that you wanted and just stopped?
- Have you tried planting a garden and not gotten the result that you wanted and gave up?
- Have you started a new skill and found it hard and moved on?
Whether the goal is as simple as making a doctor’s appointment or as complex as creating a business, most can’t handle the failure.
My client has two options:
- Sit in discouragement and not get the result she wants
- Take massive action and increase her chances of getting the result she wants.
The truth is, my client, will not get result of an important doctor’s appointment made right up until the point that appointment is made.
She has to keep taking massive action until that appointment is made.
So she and I coached on taking massive action to create the result of getting a doctor’s appointment made.
We coached through:
- Being willing to sit in the discomfort of being told that their not taking new clients, she has to have an referral, etc. In other words, she has to become comfortable with the discomfort of the roadblocks and obstacles.
- Scheduling specific time where this is here ONE thing to do and she has a specific result in mind at the end of the time frame. So she scheduled one hour, NON-NEGOTIABLE time, and at the end of the hour the result she would have would be an appointment scheduled. She DECIEDES how long it will take and she sticks to that. This REQUIRES her to learn focus and discipline.
- We coached about what massive action looks like for her for this specific goal. She doesn’t sit down to WORK on finding a doctor, she sits down to PRODUCE the result of a scheduled appointment.
Is there goal that you are looking to take some action on but you feel discouraged and stuck?
I can help.
Let’s schedule a time to chat so that we can get you taking massive action TODAY!