



About the Author

Welcome to the Chosen Weeds  and thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Stephanie Shepler-Harren. I am a certified fitness nutritionist, an avid outdoors woman, and have a driving desire for Truth. My passion of knowledge and understanding has lead me down a path that I would have never imagined a few years ago. A journey where my beliefs have repeatedly been put to the test through many hardships.

This journey has created in me a deep passion for ethical and sustainable living. Right now we are raising Nubian dairy goats, chickens, and have started what I hope to be a sustainable food forest on my property. Our goal is to be as self-sustainable as possible, greatly increase the quality of food that we consume and serve, and help like-minded individuals that I come into contact with.

Authentic people are hard to come by, and people that actually live out their beliefs seem to be an endangered species. I believe that my life story is becoming a testament to what can be accomplished when people know what they believe and refuse to compromise on their core values regardless of what they may endure. I hope my actions will inspire my children and many others to turn away from lives of compromise and live out the life they were created to live.