This is the time of year that we get inundated with eggs. The daylight hours are getting longer and the hens are done molting.
Yes, we sell them (did you know that?), but there are still so many that we are having them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner it seems like.
Believe me, I am not complaining. Our eggs taste amazing and I LOVE that I don’t have to buy from the store. Also, I do freeze them for when times are lean. I probably have a good 12/13 dozen frozen in the freezer. I have also hard-boiled a few in my time.
However, it does get old eating fried eggs all the time. So I have to get creative.
My creativity is your gain. I have put together a few recipes that we use for ya all.
You can download your For The Love Of Eggs
If you would like to buy a dozen, or three, of our fresh, free-range eggs, just leave a comment below, email us at thechosenweeds@gmail.com, or text/call Stephanie at 409-749-0184