4 Quick Tips for Growing Green Beans

Seriously, there is NOTHING like fresh green beans and oh, so many ways to prepare them.

Here is the cool thing about green beans.  You don’t need a huge space to get a lot of yield, the more you pick them, they more they will produce.  This small space yielded 20 lbs last year.  It’s about 5X10.

There are several varieties of green beans, they range in color from green, yellow, purple……You can even get different lengths of bean itself. Then there are pole beans.  The variety I planted is called Contender.  Another good one to start with is Kentucky Wonder.

Here are a few tips for planting:
1.  Green beans prefer full sun, but once the temps reach about 85 degrees, they are done producing.
2. Plant once the danger of frost is gone.  Mine are usually in by the end of February, but remember that I am in the south.  They germinate when the soil temperature in about 70 degrees.
3.  Make sure the soil has VERY good drainage with lots of organic matter.
4. Green beans are legumes and fix their own nitrogen so they don’t need extra fertilizer.

There you have it!

You can watch the VIDEO to get a more in depth look at how I plant my green beans.


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