This podcast hit close to home as I was listening today. I am battling regulations within the small town where I live in Texas over a fence and livestock on my property that has had a ripple affect on my life.
Listen to Tom Woods and Per Bylund, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and the Records-Johnston Professor of Free Enterprise at the School of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University, discuss the unseen and unrealized affects of government regulation in our everyday lives.
I hope you enjoy it!
And read here on how government regulations creates poverty:
“The fault for despairing, dilapidated urban ghettoes lies not in the pressures of the market, nor in the character flaws of individual poor people, nor in the characteristics of ghetto subcultures. The fault lies in the state and its persistent interference with poor people’s own efforts to get by through independent work, clever hustling, scratching together resources, and voluntary mutual aid.“
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Of course you heard today’s show, and so you will have heard about the new group TWS Bloggers on Facebook. until today I’ve been going through the last 100 or so episodes and inviting people with short little notes like this. Now Tom is just telling everyone about it. But that’s okay. I still wanted to go ahead and invite you
holler at Tom http://tomwoods.com/contact/ and then search for the group TWS Bloggers and Tom will add you.
Very nice site btw.
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Thanks for the compliment